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The topic "Man is a Puppet in the hands of destiny". This statement has been debated for centuries, and there are varying opinions on whether or not it is true. Atheist will take it for granted whereas Non-Atheist will disagree with the statement. 

Those who believe that man is a puppet in the hands of destiny argue that our lives are predetermined by our fate. They believe that everything that happens to us, both good and bad, is part of a grand plan that we have no control over. They argue that no matter what we do, our destiny is already set in stone.

On the other hand, those who disagree with this statement argue that we have free will and can make our own choices in life. They believe that our actions determine our destiny, and that we have the power to shape our own future.

While both sides have valid points, I personally believe that man is not a puppet in the hands of destiny. While there may be certain things in life that are out of our control, such as natural disasters or unexpected tragedies, we still have the power to choose how we react to these situations.

For example, if someone loses his job, they can choose to wallow in self-pity and give up, or they can choose to use it as an opportunity to find a better job or pursue a new career path. The same goes for relationships – if someone experiences heartbreak, they can choose to let it consume them, or they can choose to move on and find happiness elsewhere.

Ultimately, I believe that our actions and choices determine our destiny. While there may be certain things in life that are out of our control, we still have the power to shape our own future. We are not puppets being controlled by some unseen force – we are individuals with the ability to make our own choices and create our own path in life.

In conclusion, while the debate over whether or not man is a puppet in the hands of destiny may never be fully resolved, I believe that we have the power to shape our own destiny through our actions and choices. Let us all strive to make the most of the opportunities that come our way and create a bright future for ourselves.

Accepting what is in your life, eliminates 99% of anxiety! What you saw was a dream, but what is in front of you is the reality of life. If you think consistently, I was able to become like this, why not like that. Man thinks more of what he is not having . However, he does not think of how he can make something magnificent by using what he has. 

Afterall, who is always happy in the world? Everyone has some regrets, pains and sorrows in his life.  No one can avoid them. Some things are unavoidable and inevitable. Every person comes to this world with his own destiny. Because here you can see that those who once were begging on the streets are millionaires today and millionaires can be seen going to the abyss and begging with a bowl in hand. You never know how and what event will happen to someone. 

Accepting the current situation and thinking about how to make further progress, taking steps becomes sequential. Some have unlimited money, but there is busyness, trouble, deadly competition, slander, enemies, fear, oppression.

There is a bed but no sleep. There is food but no hunger. There is beauty but no character. The body is strong but there is fear in the heart. There are teeth but no nuts to eat. Such is the case. 

No one can go against fate. Man is only a puppet in the hands of God. Remember that as rivers overflow, they also dry up. Trees grow tall and fall too. Animals and birds fight, struggle and die. In the end everything has an end. Even the paths of glory meet an end. That's how it is for your suffering. The fire of sorrow is never extinguished by the water of tears. Don't market your sorrows. One has to suffer the fate. One has to bear the blows given by the destiny.

Words cannot describe the sufferings and pains suffered by Godlike persons like Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Dharmaveer Sambhaji Maharaj, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Jesus Christ. Because they  dedicated their lives  for the entire society. On the contrary, our grief is personal.

Look at someone more miserable and unfortunate than you and you will know how insignificant and trivial your suffering is. So, all I want to say is, don't be afraid of your sorrows. A man's life should be like a clear sky. Clouds of despair and sorrows gather, but when the wind blows, those clouds also get dispersed. So, keep up your spirit and go ahead.

Thank you so much for your visit to my blog
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