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The root of man's suffering is comparison! Why am I not like this? Where is he and where am I? How lucky he is, how unlucky I am. I'm black and he's so fair, I'm poor and he's rich, I'm skinny and he's tall. We compare ourselves with others. This comparison is done so far on the basis of  clothes, life style, Colour of skin, education, income, designation etc.   And this is the root cause of our suffering. He is not like you just as you are not like him. Even the five fingers of the hand are not the same. There was no one like me, no one is there and no one will ever be.

Everything in this world is unique and special. A rose is beautiful to look at, but that does not diminish the importance of a Mogra. Its fragrance is its identity. Will there be a left-right comparison between the two? Each flower is unique. Now by doing left and right in this, why should we become so sad? Everyone's face is different from one another, so every person in this world is unique and special one. 

Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, pearls are loved by all. But the real ornaments of man are ears, nose, mouth, eyes, brain, heart, kidney, lungs and the whole body is a great divine gift. The human body is a package of billions given to man by God.

Life is precious. Life is only at once. It cannot be proved that there are previous births and rebirths. So God has some plans in sending you to this world.

Even if you live in a palace, you will not necessarily be happy and it cannot be said that one who lives in a hut will be unhappy. It cannot be said that one who earns his bread through hard work is  unhappy and one who eats food in five star hotel is happy.

The real crime of man is to consider himself poor and weak. That is why we want to say that the fresh mind is the cause of all achievements. Positive mindset,  richness of mind is more important. If you have money, you can buy a mattress but you cannot buy sleep. Money can buy books but knowledge cannot be bought. Money can buy food but not hunger. Money can buy car, bungalow but not happiness. Even spending crores of rupees we  cannot get back a moment or a lost time. So, everyone  has to live his life. Everyone's life cannot be the same. Who knows life?
Finally, I want to say...

Nothing to bring when coming,
Nothing to take away while leaving
But what is life really?
One has to be born once to understand this.

Thank you so much for your visit to my blog

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