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Many people believe that Position, Money and Prestige are interconnected and that one cannot exist without the other. However, I believe that this is a misconception.

Firstly, let us consider the idea of position. Many people believe that having a high position in society automatically leads to wealth and prestige. While it is true that certain positions may come with financial benefits, this is not always the case. Furthermore, having a high position does not guarantee respect or admiration from others. True respect and admiration must be earned through hard work, integrity, and character.

Next, let us consider the idea of money. While it is true that money can provide a certain level of comfort and security, it does not necessarily lead to prestige or respect. In fact, many people who are wealthy are not respected by others because they may have acquired their wealth through unethical means or may not use their wealth to benefit others.

Lastly, let us consider the idea of prestige. Prestige is often associated with having a high position or being wealthy, but this is not always the case. True prestige comes from being respected and admired by others for one's character, accomplishments, and contributions to society.

In conclusion, while there may be some correlation between position, money, and prestige, they are not necessarily interconnected. It is important to remember that true respect and admiration must be earned through hard work, integrity, and character. Let us all strive to be individuals who are respected and admired for our contributions to society rather than solely seeking position, money, and prestige. 

It is said that money,  comes and goes but ideas live on. Position, money and prestige are momentary. Humanity is above all. So, earn it but stay kind hearted.  The responsibility that is on us should be performed with proper timing, loyalty, faith and trustworthiness. Good people, associates should achieve brilliant success in that field, the consciousness of those who have sacrificed for you should be kept constant and forever. When a person reaches the height in the society, it is not only due to his achievements, but the sacrifices made by many people who are with that person also play an important role in it. Therefore, it is better for the concerned people to be aware that the people who directly, indirectly help us to reach at great height are bigger in true sense. 

Never forget the step by which you have reached the next step. Because if we had not taken the support of that step, we would never have been able to cross the next step...! One can reach the pinnacle of success by passing one step at a time. Directly we can not jump to the highest step. 

Let us remember that power, money and position is momentary, but even after the position is gone, we should treat people as if our value and manliness should remain. Otherwise, this society is watching, listening and even tolerating your efficiency, achievements, behavior, honesty and speech, but if dishonesty increases, it will teach you a lesson at the right time? That there your value goes to the abyss and becomes zero.

Therefore, with your people, society and trusted friends, behave well, speak well and prove that your actions are selfless and good, only then people will stay with you. He who respects others is basically himself honorable. Because a person can give to others only what is close to him. Broad mindedness is a virtue. which is attained not by rank but by rites. Therefore, every person should not work just because he has a position, the position is given by us or by our people, society, then that work gets respect only. Realize that your downfall begins from the day you realize that you are superior to others.  This avoids pride of position and works in a way that does justice to the position.

Thank you so much for your visit to my blog. 
Stay blessed and stay connected. 

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