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On the occasion of Platinum Jubilee Year of India's Independence...

"Flowers are many but the most beautiful is the rose.  
Stars are many but the sun is the most illuminating one. 
Animals are many but Tiger is the bravest of all.
Diamonds are too many but Kohinoor is the priceless.  
Nations are plenty but India is unparalleled."

15th August is considered as the red letter's day in the history of India. It is the biggest national festival of India. We all Indians celebrate this day with all spirit and enthusiasm. It is because the British came to India, they divided India and ruled India for almost 175 years. Pre-independence India was exploited and robbed by the British. 

The great freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhiji, Lokmany Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Babu Genu, Sardar Vallahbhai Patel etc. Contributed tremendously. For social awareness Dr. Babasheb Ambedkar, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule did yeoman's service. From Kasmir to Kanyakumari, through the length and breadth of our country hundreds of Freedom Fighters revolted against the British rule through several agitations and movements. Even the common people played vital role. Many were killed, crucified, shot dead, imprisoned, physically and emotionally tortured by the then British officers. 

Mahatma Gandhi jolted the British empire through Non Co-operation movement, Salt Satyagraha, Dandi March and Quit India Movement by using Truth and Non Violence as his weapons. 

Subhas Chandra Bhos founded Azad Hind Sena, a para Millitary Force and proclaimed to the youths of India. He said, "You give me blood and I shall give you freedom."

Lala Lajpatrai said, "Simon Go back". Lokmany Balgangadhar Tilak was determined who said, "Swarajya is my birthright and I shall have it."

Lion hearted freedom fighters sacrificed their lives. There was unrest, anarchy, lawlessness  noticed in every part of our country. It was continuous and long struggle by Indian Freedom Fighters. There was no other agenda. Making India free from the British rule had been the only agenda. Indian youths fought like tigers and lions. They embraced death for want of freedom. 

I would like to question today's citizens that what can we do in order to make sacrifices of innumerable Indian Freedom Fighters worthwhile? Indian Soldiers protect us from external enemies. Farmers cultivate the land and nurture us. Doctors protect us from illnesses. Engineers improve our standard of living. Teachers are truly builders of our country. 

We civilians at least live together brotherly, sisterly and Friendly. The walls of casteism, hatred and intolerance should be demolished. Our country should not be divided in terms of caste, religion, language and region. We are indians firstly and lastly. We should never forget that United we stand and divided we fall.
Whatever the job services and businesses you do, do it in the interest of the country. Be proud of our country, our culture. Celebration, rallies, patriotic speeches, songs, slogans will definitely create sense of pride and patriotism. 

Safron colour stands for sacrifices, White colour stands for prosperity, Green colour stands for richness and fertility. Ashok chakra stands for continuity. This is the meaning of Indian Tri Colour. 

So, let us all come together, and take an oath to strive hard to transform India's image from developing to a developed nation. Stay focused and stay organized to make India the super power in world. The task is difficult but achievable.
Before I conclude my speech, let's give the slogans to rent the sky and every nook and corner of this globe. 
Long live, Independence Day!
East or West, India is the best.
Live to be an Indian and proud to be an Indian. 

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