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Blessing in disguise means an apparent misfortune that eventually has good results. 
Opportunity means "High Time" or "golden chance". It is said that opportunity knocks the door only at once. As soon as opportunity knocks our door, we must open the door quickly and grab the opportunity and welcome the opportunity before it goes to the next door. 

We must not waste our time in knowing opportunity or getting confused whether to do or not to do. So, get up, get ready to welcome opportunity. There is no point in crying for it. Be always ready, alert and cautious.
If farmer does not realize opportunity, if he failed in cultivating the land, if failed in doing agricultural activities such as ploughing and cultivating the land, sowing seeds, weeding, fertilizing, cutting, binding and harvesting etc., He and his family will starve to death. Making hay while the sun shines is important.

There is no point in marrying a young woman in the evening of your life. 

You can cut iron and give any shape you want to only when it is hot/heated.

Make your bread only when pan is hot/ heated.

You can give any type of shape to wet clay.

You can give proper direction to 'the creeper' or 'the climbing plant' right from sprouting state then only creeper will grow longer.

It is also said that "A stitch in time saves nine".
Never treat any opportunity smaller or bigger. It is rare one. Even through small business you can earn your living. When too many options or opportunities are there then you can select the opportunity as per your choice.
Never cry over the split milk. Let the bygone be bygone. The past is gone it cannot be regained similarly opportunity once gone, it is gone.

If opportunity is not there, create opportunity come to your way. Try to search it, hopefully, you will discover it. If you knock the door, door will be opened for you. If you demand you will get it. Job is not possible unless you apply and prove yourself as suitable candidate. Many people say that due to problematic conditions, I couldn't do it. Turn Adversity into gold and make gold of it.

Students take exam as adversity but when pass exam you get joy and ecstacy. Opportunity is a golden chance for you to show your ability.

The goddess of Fortune favours the brave. Kite goes high up in the air because wind from opposite direction is there without which kite will not fly.

Always remember one thing that there is less crowd at the topmost place. There is a room at the top. It is Fortune to realize the opportunity and it is misfortune not to realize it. Do your job on time. Never postpone it. Today's work today or right now.

You will get opportunity through articles, passages, words, newspapers, communication, lecture, discussion, art, history, contemplation, advice, book or movie etc. "Now or Never" is the formula of success. Have strong desire, tenacity, positivity.

So, don't be panic when adversities come your way. Adversities bring Opportunities. It is a blessing in disguise.

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