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Mother’s love and blessings

Mother’s love for her child has vastness of skies and depth of Oceans. Greatness and importance of mother cannot be put into words though sky like paper and ocean like ink is taken. Words fall short to write about mother.

A mother is a symbol of unconditional love, compassion, honesty, fearlessness, and hard work. She plays the role of a parent, guide, mentor, and a teacher for her child and illuminates the atmosphere with her acts of kindness and smile.

The word ‘Mother’ sums a lot of emotion to every child and emotionally attaches us and brings us closer to her. A mother’s love and affection know no bounds. A mother is not necessarily biologically related to the children but is a person who feeds and nurtures them in every aspect of their growth.

In my opinion, the mother plays the most instrumental and pivotal role in a child’s life and upbringing. Undoubtedly, mother is truly a role model for her child. Here in this poem the poet is trying to express deep love and feelings for mother. The son is assuring his mother to be a proud son of her. 

Mother’s love and blessings

                                                                        Poem by Sambhajirao Suryavanshi

O My mother,

You're the prettiest woman in world

There is a light wherever you walk

I found Godly virtues in you

You stand for mercy, pity, peace and love


O My mother,

You brought me in this world

You nourished me with food and love

I drank your milk and rested on your lap

Holding your finger, I took my first step


O My mother,

You saw me growing little by little

You loved me, you kissed me

When crying, you took me in your arms

I played under your wings


O My mother,

You prayed for my safety and security

From the depth of your heart

I am an apple of your eye

For my well being you’ve gone through pains


O My mother,

You are my first teacher

You taught me to read and write

You made me walk and talk

You showed me this world


O My mother,

You underwent lot of pains

You worked all through your life

You smiled and laughed with me

Always kept me close to your heart


O My mother,

I am the part and parcel of your life

Your sacrifices for me are countless

Your blessings, your love and prayers 

will take me at height of success and excellence


O My mother,

You’re pillar of my strength and guidance

Truly and genuinely, you are godly

Thank you for your love and blessings

I promise, I will try to be a proud son of yours


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