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I am a lover of books. I am a lover and worshiper of nature. While studying undergraduate and postgraduate studies, I studied the poetry of British, American and Indian poets. I am supremely impressed by their poetic art. British poet William Wordsworth is popularly known as a true nature poet. Nothing is better than nature. Rather, nature means everything. Nature is all powerful.

Nature gives us water, air, leaves, fruits, flowers, medicines and numerous things. List is never ending.  But we people rob and exploit nature. What do we do for nature? Do nothing more but plant as many trees as you can. Every tree and bush is a beauty.

By going to nature you can take care of your mental health. Take a deep breath, fresh air free-from- pollution, if you go to nature instead of getting lost in the crowds and noise of people; you will experience heavenly blessings. Listen to the voice of nature. Touch gently and Talk softly to every plant, flower and every object of nature.

Let's know what amazing gifts nature has given to us.

Nature is like Father -
Father provides all our needs. He takes care of us, prays for us. Nature too provides a lot many things like fruits, flowers, crops, water, hypnotic beauty and what not. Nature gives us more than we expect.

Nature is like Mother -
Mother not only gives birth but loves her kids limitlessly and selflessly. Mother is only next to the god. Nature too does the same thing. We get everything from the nature.

Nature is like Nurse -
Nurse in hospital doesn't have any blood relation with the patient admitted. She is quite humble, attentive, careful, and dutiful. She talks to the patient softly and smoothly. She helps the patient recover fast. Nature too takes care by taking utmost care.

Nature is like friend -
Friend is very close to us. His place in our life is unavoidable and inevitable. Friend always stand-by us in the days of prosperity, adversity. We hide nothing from our friend because he is near and dear to us. Nature plays the same role.

Nature is like God -
God is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, all powerful. God generates, operates and destroys. God is equal to all of us. God is above all, we cannot go over it. God is deep, we cannot go under it. God's love is so wonderful. Nature too is so sweet, so caring, so loving like God. Nothing is superior to God and obviously to nature. We are blessed tremendously and incredibly.

Gifts of Nature -
Cloudy sky, starry sky, full moon night, moonless night, galaxy, hills, mountains, horizon, cliffs, snow covered peaks, lakes, rivers, ponds, ranges, twilight, sun beams, trees, bushes, nests of singing birds, flocks of birds, raindrops, rainbow, meadows, grassy land, dark and deep forests, plants, flowers, fruits, ocean, waterfalls, wind, fresh air, deep valleys, grazing animals, wild animals, wild life, medicinal plants, secret caves, deserted places, snow falling, fountains, bright days, calm and quiet night, water waves.....
The list is never ending.

What I mean to say is that Nature is our guide cum philosopher without whose knowledge our life is meaningless and incomplete. So, I suggest all of you to go to nature. Life is not only within four walls and roof. It is under the sky and on this earth.

 Here, I would like to present my self composed poem on nature. 

Nature is God

Poem by, Sambhajirao Suryavanshi


Nature is like a faithful friend
Upon whom we totally depend
It is always ready to serve
Priceless gifts of it we all preserve

Nature is like a beautiful Nurse
Nature, itself is a great verse
It is so loving and caring
It will never be despairing

Nature is like Father
No person is better rather
His sacrifices are great
He protects from every threat

Nature is like mother
Her interest is not any other
Her love for us is selfless
Without her our life is helpless

Nature is like a God
Whose vision for mankind is broad
God's love is so wonderful
Nature is so pretty and colourful

It brings richness and prosperity
Nature is known for its charity
Remember, nature is God's art
It is planet earth's heart.


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