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God is supreme being, maker of the universe, eternal, spiritual, transcendent and the most merciful.  Some say God is in Temple, Church or Mosque. I cannot deny the fact but I want to tell that God is everywhere.

Mind is not an object to be seen, soul is not an object to be seen, Love is not an object to be seen, Heaven is also not seen by anyone. Similarly God is also not seen but mankind strongly believe that God Almighty is there.
Who has seen the mind?
Neither I nor you
But we all have it
It is not to show but to understand

Who has seen the soul?
Neither I nor you
But human body is  perishable
And soul is omniscient

Who can measure love?
Neither I nor you. 
Our life is nothing without love
Love is deepest and unexpressed

Who has seen the heaven?
Neither I nor you
But all say it is abode of peace
And departed souls rest in peace

Who has seen God? 
Neither I nor you
Some see it everywhere 
And God is omnipotent and omnipresent
                                                    ---Sambhajirao Suryavanshi

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