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It is undeniable fact that what we know is little and what we don’t know is tremendous. Knowledge is power. It can be obtained only through observation and also through books. Book is a true ‘source’ and ‘treasure’ of knowledge. A book is a wonderful, priceless gift. A room without a book is a body without soul.

It is said that reading makes man perfect. A book can change you inwardly and outwardly. A Book can add much more to the mental stature of the reader. A book can take you far away from this mundane life. It can take you at a different place, different height and also at next level. Books can take you in the past and also far away from the present. It can take you beyond seven seas. It can take you in the world unseen and unheard.

You can explore and discover unknown things above love, romance, war, friendship, rivalry, politics, culture, civilization, science, history, Information technology and what not everything. But for that you need to develop the habit of reading books.

We take meal at least twice in a day. Bread is very important for the growth and development of human body. Reading Books is very important for the growth and development of human brain. Books give you vision, guidance, mental maturity, motivation. It helps to generate thoughts. We get valuable thoughts, philosophical contemplation, and gems of words. Our memory is sharpened. We become alert, conscious, delighted.

Our knowledge is increased. Books help you understand man, society, country, culture, science etc. You can enrich and enhance yourself. Books help you develop your personality. Books remove darkness of ignorance by producing light of knowledge. It is truly a lamp of knowledge. Books can light the candle of hope always burning in the temple of your heart. Books will take you from darkness to light, from unknown to known, from failure to success, from poverty to richness. It will make you a man of sound knowledge. It makes you wise, rich, experienced. Books make you forget personal miseries.

Books stir your blood, create brain storms, add animal spirit, you are absolutely changed. It purges, purifies your soul. You become one with the world around. It broadens your mindset. Books cultivate your brain and mind. You can later harvest the rich crop of thoughts.

To conclude my blog, I would say that books help you set goals, think high, dream big and be successful in your life. Books are truly our friends, guides, and teachers. Do read books for countless benefits.

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