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The endless sea

How vast is the endless sea! It is spread far and wide. The sea has the ability to store water from far-flung rivers. He is rich. There Live numerous animals and plants. It also has ups and downs. The ups and downs come in everyone's life. There is such an empire that cannot be seen. Man can also accumulate vast wealth like the sea. We can accumulate enough money and build our reputation as the rich fellow. We can increase knowledge and information. Man can be as confident as the endless ocean. The sea is calm at times and rough at times. Man is also calm and patient at times. It does not matter. But if it hurts, it is very difficult to control. Like a volcano at the bottom of the ocean, anger is hidden somewhere deep in a person's mind. That anger has to be controlled. It should not be allowed to erupt because it invites destruction. Anger must come to innovate. It is necessary to get angry to show one's worthiness by challenging the situation. But anger is blind. It upsets the balance and once you are imbalanced, nothing good will happen to you. You will get irritated and frustrated. Tensions, Destruction and Annihilation, Apprehensions are inevitable. Never lose your patience. Never allow the monster wake up in you. Its nuisance value is immense.

High mountains

A high mountain stands with a stiff neck. He never bows to anyone. No one can match it. His position is unshakable. He is still and immovable. It is concrete. It stands tall among all hills. We are very short before him. The mountain is visible even from a distance. Many dream of going to the top of the mountain. But rarely can anyone go there. The high mountains tell you to be strong. Be patient. No one can estimate your strength. Many have to kneel before him. You have to bow down. Man can become so big that the mountain in front of him starts to feel small. There are many hills around them and they are envious of that mountain. Your work should be brilliant and eye-catching, ascending to the heights of aspiration. Your activism should be so vast and unwavering that everyone will bow down before you.


Many precious diamonds are found which are worth millions of rupees. Of course such diamonds are rare. Such diamonds are used to enhance the beauty and value of such items as rings, necklaces, crowns, pendants. Only very rich people can buy such diamonds. But to be honest, man is the most precious diamond. He is a Kohinoor. Holding ten diamonds in your hand, stand in front of the mirror, you will see the eleventh diamond in the form of you. There is nothing else in the world that values ​​you so much. You are unique, incomparable seat. Man has gained more than one precious diamond like nose, ears, eyes, skin, and brain. Nose-ring certainly makes the nose look beautiful but the nose is always better than the Nose-ring. Jewelry makes a person understand that he is rich but the physical parts of a person are the real jewelry. Of all the animals, the brain is the best because it is unknowingly used by man. This superiority and seniority in man is like the best Kohinoor. You are the priceless gem.


The bud transforms into a flower and when this flower blooms, it rains down color and fragrance. It drives many crazy. Its alluring form is very captivating. The process of flowering and decay of flowers lasts for a while but the importance of color and smell in the stage of flowering. The process of flowering is beyond words. The flower thrills the viewer with its own color, fragrance, freshness and unparalleled beauty. It will make you forget your sadness, pain. The flower is a wonderful gift given to man by nature. Like a flower, people should blossom with their physical, mental and intellectual beauty. We should blossom and live a happy life and give and take happiness, satisfaction and joy to others. One should keep the fragrance of thoughts, ideals, culture and activism flowing which will inspire many people. It will be rejuvenating. It doesn't matter how long we live, it matters how we live. It is beautiful to live, it is beautiful to die, but it is better to live than to live and die. Just as dried flowers leave behind memories of fragrances, we must leave behind memories of our work and a history that will never be erased.

Burning Coal-

You are a blazing fire. May the hotness and warmth in you live forever? Don't let it go. Do not leave ashes on the charcoal. Don't get cold. The one who touches you should feel the warmth in you instantly. The fire in you can cause a fire to burn. You should be aware of this. Keep burning like a fiery furnace. Shake off the ashes. Like the phoenix, you jump out of the ashes and show the world that you are not finished but alive to fight back. You can set this world on fire. If you touch me, you will be burnt to ashes. "Never think that you are a a cold charcoal. Better be a burning charcoal.  Spring up like that of the phoenix once again emerging from the smoldering ash heap."


The tiger is strong and fearless. He does not gang up like vultures. He alone is capable. He has a twinkle in his eye. There is panic. It can tear most powerful animals like elephants. Its speed is immense. Hearing his fears, the animals in the forest fall asleep. A tiger in search of prey usually does not return empty-handed. A chewed and injured tiger is very dangerous. He rules over the whole forest. To go his way is to invite death. All animals flee away from the tiger. The tiger's hunting skills are in dispute. The tiger is capable of hunting any land animal. The terror of the tiger, the awe remains. Even though he is old, he is still a tiger. There is a tiger hidden in each of you. You are no less than a tiger if you give up cowardice, runaway, greedy attitude. This should be taken into account by everyone. Don't fall short in terms of bravery and courage. Having the tiger’s heart; you can rule the whole world. It is sure that you are born to rule and live like tiger only. 


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