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There is a never ending life struggle; today's youths have a degree/s but not a suitable job. A job with a meager salary means that if you hold on, you will be beaten and if you leave it, it will run away from you. It's a kind of sorrow that you cannot put it in appropriate words. Also you cannot bear it in mind.

It is said that man lives on the ‘hope’ of tomorrow. The pain, anguish and grief of today's youth who are trying to shape the future by burying the past is being put into words through self-composed poem by the poet Sambhajirao Suryavanshi, so, Come on then and get through this poem.

Shaping the future
                                         --- Poet: Sambhajirao Suryavanshi

Chasing dreams after dreams
Looking for a ray of ‘hope’ in the dark
 Dealing with innumerable anxieties and complexities
Trying to find answers to complex questions

Always in search of happiness
Book of Life has been changing page by page
Digesting the ‘bitter taste’ of sorrow for tomorrow's happiness
In search of happiness, life is just hanging

Running dreams after dreams every day
Suffocating because of hyper tension how it will happen now
Dealing with the situation with all powers
Every day that comes brings new struggles and challenges

Tolerating insults, slander, criticism
Spending days after days, hoping for better luck
Living with a wound that will never heal
Struggling to win the battle of life

Unemployment is rampant
Everyday listening to the free advice of many
Struggling the way a ‘fish’ out of water
Searching for the future by burying the past.


 Thank you so much for your visit to my Weblog!

 😇 👌 👍 🌹💓 🙏


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