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The sky is too high. We're too short to reach at it. You use your strength and intellect and get engrossed in the work. It may take a few hours, a few days, a few weeks, a few months, even a few years to succeed, but one day or another you will have no doubt that you will succeed. The songs of your fame will be sung. Your name will be like a perfume spread everywhere. People will greet you when you do miracles. You will take sky like your yard. Compete with Eagle who can fly above clouds instead of competing sparrows, crows and cranes. Take a high leap. Explore the sky. Take yourself to the skies. Everyone's eyes should be on you. Make your place like a shining star. When the history of your work is written, even a piece of paper like that of the sky will be insufficient. The sky is over everyone's head. Likewise, your place in society should be at its altitude far away from the reach of the common men.

The Sun:

The sun is the one whose work has been going on for thousands of years without missing a beat. The great work of enlightening the whole universe is going on uninterruptedly. The sun rises and sets every day. The earth begins to revolve around the sun. Be self-illuminated like the sun. Shine with your own splendor. Let others wait for the light. Destroy the darkness in their lives by lighting the torch of effective thinking. Everyone who comes to you should find the right way, just as the sun finds its way. Even if the sun goes down, it goes down for a while. It sets to re-emerge. it never ends.

If you keep regularity and continuity in your work like the sun, the darkness of ignorance and poverty will not take long to disappear. The sun also begins to eclipse. The sun is sometimes obscured. But after a while, it comes back to the former position. He never stops. He never gets tired. Don't forget your heroism. Keep up the good content. There are failures, there are difficulties, but just as the sun never stops, you should also activate and reactivate, charge and recharge yourself every day. So shine like the sun on the screen of life.

 The moon-

The sun shines during the day and the moon shines by night. The moon is cold. The moon is not self-illuminated. Note that the sun and moon shine in their respective time zones. The moon is everyone's darling. Because its light is cold, not as hot as the sun. Just as the moon is the most attractive among millions of the twinkling stars, so your personality should shine among the millions of people as a star, as a superstar, as an iconic. People compare the favorite person to the moon and say that you are the Chaudahavi-Ka-Chand; you are a piece of the moon. But going beyond that, I want to say that you are not a piece of the moon, but the moon is a piece of you. Though we adore the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky but people should adore you more than those. You are equally important to them. No one can take your place. You are above all. You are unique, you are special and you are amazing and you are Gorgeous!


The innumerable stars that enhance the beauty of the sky shine with their own radiance. They attract all of us. They illuminate the entire sky. The stars are dear to all. Twinkling stars look amazing. Its luster and beauty captivate everyone. We can watch them for hours. Everyone wants to be a star like person.  You are also a star. Become a star, a superstar and a megastar, a big star. Let your light shine in every part of the globe.  All will look up at you. Thirst, hunger, sorrow, pain will be forgotten while looking at you. Everyone will be very satisfied. You will be an icon of thousands, you will be an idol, you will become a role model and create a steady place like a beacon. You should be a directional star like a pole star. Thousands of people will become your fans. Something like this has to be done. For that, sacrifice, diligence has to be accepted. Greatness is not easily achieved. You need to burn more and more to shine like gold. Gold, the more it burns, more it shines.  Have to suffer a lot. It is difficult to suffer in such a big way.


The river that flows from the source to the sea teaches us a lot. Don't wait, stay active. Never stop and stare at one place. Keep on moving forward unless and until you reach your goal. You will definitely reach your goal. Nothing is impossible. The flowing river continues to move forward, making its way through many rocks, ravines, and cliffs. River flows and keeps moving forward, the surrounding region is tremendously benefited, and it satisfies the thirst of innumerable beings. Agriculture flourishes. It creates joy, happiness, contentment in the lives of many. This river sends a message to you that if you continue to work without worrying about your difficulties, without crying, then success will surely roll at your feet. All you need to do is keep yourself busy. Stay fluid, without getting exhausted. Do well to yourself and to others. Learn to be helpful to others. People who distribute roses to others; fragrance remains in their hands. Problems are like ships, solutions are like the sea. What is the use of rabbit care? You have to be lionhearted. You have to have fearlessness. Don't get bogged down in a problematic situation.  Problems are an integral part of life. The river conflict is huge. Your real test is in times of difficulty. If you lose patience, everything will end. If you deal with it patiently, you will get everything.

Flower seeds-

Flower seeds get buried in the soil. Only then can it explode. It spreads its roots go down and simultaneously it begins to grow.  The root goes deep into the soil. So where does that plant appear. It grows vigorously, bearing flowers and fruits. Like that seed, you will immerse yourself in the work, you will work unconsciously, it is the same whether you go deep or come back four steps. This is not a decline, but a prelude to a great leap. If you work with a dedicated attitude, your life will blossom like a flower. People will keep crediting you for your success. You will be respected in the society. A plant made from the smallest or tiniest seed becomes a tree when you look at it. Its branch expands. This tree shelters numerous animal birds. The growing plant has to face blazing sun, storms, heavy rains and several other challenges. It gives shade and shelter to all of us for hundreds of years. It is always harmless. It prevents soil erosion. No matter how many stones one throws, the struggle of the tree that bears sweet fruit is incredible. In short, there are many challenges, adversities, obstacles and moments of struggle in life. This message and this learning can be learned from the tree.


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