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Always keep learning –

No man learns all things from the womb. No one has the perfect amount of knowledge of everything. There is no one perfect. We all are perfectly imperfect. The learning process continues uninterruptedly from the mother's womb until our death. No one becomes omniscient by taking two or four degrees. Knowledge should be acquired through every day learning. The knowledge gained should be given to others because knowledge increases when it is circulated. What is the use of knowledge and information if it is not utilized for the benefit of an individual and also for others?  

What we know is little and what we don’t know is immense. No ego, no illusion that I am now a scholar. Be prepared to constantly learning new things. Always keep your ears and eyes open for this. Keep reading with people and the nature around you. If this is done, the intellect will not rust. Knowledge will continue to grow. New vision, new consciousness will be obtained. Then success will run behind you. Learn something every day. Grow little by little and inch by inch. But be polite even though you got knowledge and information more than others. The tree bearing fruits is bowed to the ground. Likewise great people are humble to others. Great people are always great because they take care of small small things.

 Self Discipline

Self discipline and manly nature in life are important. Discipline will put you in the right direction. With the help of self discipline you can keep control over your body, mind and soul. Discipline keeps beauty untouched. There is room for innovation and creativity. If you keep discipline in eating and drinking, in behaving and speaking, in work and business, you will be impressed and you will gain prestige all around. Know what and how much to eat, drink, talk. As important as discipline is in personal life and family, it is just as important in society. My money, my wife, my house, I will do anything. What do you owe him; I take liquor of my own money. I will decide how to live my life. Don't poke your nose. It is not good to live like this. Discipline makes life worth living. The certainty of success increases. You can safeguard yourself from the addictions and the bad company as well if you are disciplined. Nothing wrong will take place in your life. Your Confidence will grow day by day. The risk is reduced. Brake is important to stop our vehicle and avoid accident. Self discipline is equally important in our life. You can save yourself and others too.

 Pursue dreams 

Man is a dreamy creature. Everyone has some or the other dream. You need to be very powerful to transform a dream into a reality. Some people, like Shaikh-chilli, only dream. Their dreams are shattered within no time. They build castles in the air. But what does it mean to dream such vain dreams? Dreams should wake you up. You have to work hard to fulfill your dream. Day after day, year after year dream should be pursued. Of course, dreams should not be out of reach. It should be achievable. Be aware of the reality. That is, it will not be confusing. Considering what a dream is, what are the obstacles, what are the paths, from whom inspiration, cooperation, help, guidance can be taken, how long will it take for the dream to come true? You can take calculated risk. Be ambitious but never be over ambitious. Over confidence will spoil everything. Be mad after your goal.

Be prepared to take risks –

Jobs, occupations, business, politics, whatever the field you chose, you have to be prepared to take risks. Millions of people fail because they are unwilling to take risks. On the contrary, few succeed because they take risks. Many want to live a very safe life. They don't want any danger. Do not get wet in the rain as you can catch cold. Tourism, excursions, trekking do not go as it costs money. Many people have questions only with no solutions. No attempt is made to find answers. They think and think but take no action. Think first and then take action. Some take action first and then think about. Some only think but take no action.

Rather than getting lost in a crowd of people, one should find a way out of one's intellectual confusion and mental helplessness. Numerous doubts should be removed from the mind. If you are prepared to take risks, action should be taken without thinking too much about the consequences. Success will come only if you take risks like a soldier on the battlefield.

Decisiveness –

The decision must be made. It doesn't matter if the decision is wrong once. Not making a decision, not taking it at the right time is like throwing yourself into a deep valley of failure. The decision is up to him. Sometimes decisions have to be made boldly. The decision should be made according to one's own common sense. People should listen but do it with their own mind. You cannot be a leader without determination. You can't prove yourself. You can lead with the strength of management skills and decision making. If there are difficulties in making a decision, the decision should be taken in consultation with the seniors, some select people or whom you take wise and able. The decision delayed is decision denied. Never procrastinate or postpone. Take firm decision and go ahead. Don’t be like a pendulum moving to both sides. Never think too much whether I can or I can’t. Rather give it a try and see.

There is no formula for success –

Your success does not depend on your caste, religion, color, age, it depends on your attitude and actions. Your success depends and related to your personal goals. Success cannot be achieved by a formula or a single way. We have to choose the path for our success. I have to be optimistic that I will succeed and that I will be the winner. Convince yourself that I will not be overwhelmed by overcoming every difficulty, I will not give up, I will not be overwhelmed by success, I will not be impatient, I will not compromise for success, I will not feel at ease without achieving spectacular and glorious success. Achieving Mount Everest is difficult but not impossible. I will try my luck but with determination.

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