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Once a book lover was sitting on the edge of a well reading a book. He was very much engrossed in reading the book. While reading, suddenly his book falls into the well. The man sighed. He was restless and helpless. He didn't  know what to do. He started crying for want of book. 

Seeing his condition, God descends to that place. That man narrates before God the truth of what happened. That man makes only one request to God that God will do anything to get that book back. I would have fetched the book from the well myself but I am helpless as I cannot swim.

At that time God decides to test him. When God took out the book engraved in silver from the well, the man said that that  was not his  book.

God took out another book that was engraved in pure gold. When asked by God, the man humbly says, God, this book is not mine. God is surprised that man has lost so much wealth by rejecting precious books engraved in silver and gold.

Finally, God took out  the real book from the well. At that time, the joy that overflowed from his face was as extraordinary as a river overflowing. God simply said to the man that the book in your hand, O madman, is very simple. But I was giving you a book engraved in silver and gold. You would have earned immense money by selling those books. You and many of your generations would have lived in luxury. But now you have lost that chance. You must be regretting it now.

At that time the man said to God. I have no regrets. Even if the book in my hand looks simple. But truly and genuinely not so.

Further the man said, "This book has provided intellectual nourishment for hundreds of generations. It has destroyed the darkness of ignorance from the lives of crores of people. The light of knowledge has been created in man's life. It has taught us how to digest failure and achieve success. It has taught how the relationship between Guru and Disciple should be. It has shown how to fight the battle of life. Humans have been taught politics, socialism, practical knowledge, spiritual knowledge and warfare. A book is a never-ending source of immense knowledge. This book has awakened the soul flame in our hearts. This book has created confidence as deep as the ocean. Our intellectual personality is strengthened and  empowered. This book has brought intellectual wealth to millions of people. It has created storms of thoughts in the brains of many, many people. This book laid a solid foundation of all philosophy in the world. This book has given the world a new vision and momentum. It is not just a book but a source of inspiration for millions of people. It is an invaluable book that teaches the philosophy of life, it is a saga. This book will be read and recited as long as the moon, sun, and world exist on this earth. This Book is the compass that guides the ship of life. It works like a  lighthouse. It is a treasure of knowledge, culture and human values. The value of this book is immeasurable in my point of view. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita spoken by Lord Krishna to his beloved disciple i.e. Arjuna on Kurukshetra.

Seeing man's love of the book, imperishable and unshakable loyalty and faith in Shri Krishna and Arjuna, God patted man's back. Gave him millions of blessings and disappeared.
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