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In India, we celebrate Teacher's Day on 5th September. It is because Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, the great educationist and the second President of India whose birthday is commemorated as Teachers' Day. 

Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Savitribai Phule, Padmashri Dr. Jayant Pandurang Naik have done terrific job for the spread of education in every part of India. 

As a matter of fact no parents come to school to congratulate and felicitate the teachers for their devoted services to the students and society as well. 

Hardly anyone can deny the fact that the teachers are truly and genuinely nation builders. They are the architect of the nation. Teachers are guide, philosopher, mentor, counselor and above all second parents of children. They add strength to the wings of students. They create sea-like faith and confidence among students. 

Teachers dedicate their entire life for accumulation of wisdom and knowledge and it percolates through lectures, speeches, experiments, programs, activities and demonstrations to the students as well as to every part of the society.
Doctors, Engineers, Advocates, Businessmen, Sportsmen, Painters, Musicians, Actors,  Politicians etc. almost every post is trained by the teachers.

Once, I read the story of Picasso which is not only motivational but it will open eyes of several people who underestimate, blame and criticize teachers. 

Picasso, was a very famous painter born in Spain. His paintings were sold all over the world for crores and billions of rupees! One day, while walking on the street, a woman's eyes fell upon Picasso and by chance the woman recognized him. She rushed to him and said, "Sir, I am a big fan of yours. I like your paintings very much. Can you make a painting for me too?" Picasso smiled and said, "I came here empty-handed. I have no tools. I will definitely make a painting for you again sometime."But the woman was adamant. She said, "Make me a painting right now. There's no telling when we'll meet again."

Picasso then took out a small piece of paper from his pocket and began to draw something on the paper with his pen. In about ten minutes, Picasso drew a painting on the paper, and handing the paper to the woman, he said, "Here's the painting. You'll easily get a million dollars for it."

The woman was very surprised. She thought to herself, 'This Picasso hurriedly created a workable painting in just 10 minutes, and  telling me that, it will help you to earn a million dollars.' But without saying anything openly, the three of them picked up the painting and it came silently to their house. She thought Picasso was fooling us. She went to the market and the three of them inquired about the price of the painting that Picasso had made for them. When she learned that the painting could fetch up to a million dollars, she was amazed.

She ran to Picasso again and told him, "Sir, you were right. These paintings are really worth about a million dollars." Picasso smiled and said, "I already told you."

The woman said, "Sir, will you take me as your apprentice? Teach me how to make a painting. I mean, just like you made a million dollar painting in ten minutes, I can make a good painting in ten hours, if not ten minutes." Please prepare me like this."

Picasso said with a smile, "It took me thirty years to learn this painting that I have done in 10 minutes. I have spent thirty precious years of my life on it. If you spend the same number of years learning, you will be able to paint like me."The woman became speechless. She just stared at Picasso.

But in today's world, everywhere teachers are underestimated, criticized and targeted on account of less work and more payment. The salary a teacher is paid for a 40 minute lecture tells a lot about the above story. Behind every single sentence of a teacher is his work of many years. Society thinks that teacher only wants to talk. So much so that they get his salary. It should not be forgotten here that as many people are holding positions of honor in the world today, most of them have reached that position because of some teachers.

If you also consider the salary of a teacher as free, then show it by giving an effective and meaningful lecture of 40 minutes. You will immediately realize your potential!

In short, teaching is a noble profession. Teacher is an architect. He is a nation builder. All must salute teachers not only on Teachers Day but all 365 days in a year.

Dedicated to all teachers!
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