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From my blog published on 27/03/2022

It is not up to us to decide in whose womb, in which clan, in which soil and culture to take birth.  When we are born, we are literally naked and exposed. Even so, we hear that some have created something out of nothing. They had nothing but in course of time they earn plentiful. Numerous examples are there who had been a zero but today they are heroes. Many have made money in billions and millions and earned name and fame by using their sense and intellect. You can accumulate wealth as much as you want. The journey of people from the state of Penniless to Millionaire is incredible and phenomenal. Such people can travel all over globe. The Universe is like a front yard for them. They can fly from one country to another. They will have all spacious bungalows with servants, Luxurious cars with drivers, tremendous wealth, what else … they need?

Heroic warriors fight with the hatred of the tiger, acquire the power of superman; aspire to reach at great heights, ambitious to land Mount Everest of Success. Such stalwarts made history to be written in golden letters, born in the same soil and explored the whole sky. Let's find out what exactly made them to achieve it. It is true that their journey from the gloomy darkness to the radiant light, their struggle to reach Mount Everest of success from a void background, the suffering they endured, cannot be put into words.

The purpose of this article is to track what kind of qualities they have. At the same time, to awaken the self-light in your heart, to give your wings the power of thunder. This article is meant to stir your blood! These mighty thoughts will make you restless to do something. It will help you to take your abilities to the next level. Those who are slept will awake, those who are awaken will crawl little by little and those who are crawling will start walking, those who are walking will run and those who are run will run to win the battle of life.

1. put an end to the ideological drought -

The world changes not because of description but because of behavior. Positive and Mighty Thoughts have tremendous power. Thoughts have more power than atomic bombs. Thoughts will either make you or break you. Thoughts have the power to change failure into happiness, sorrow into happiness, hell into heaven, negativity into positivity, degeneration into progress, I mean complete transformation. Your thoughts are responsible for your present and future. Everest of prosperity cannot be reached unless the ideological famine is over. Financial poverty once we can understand but you should have rich thoughts. Those who have grand thoughts can never be poor. It is only with mighty /grand thoughts; you can be treated as a brand name.

2. be confident

Sharpen your memory. Build your character. Strengthen your self-confidence. No matter how unfavorable the situation is, fight steadfastly, fight hard. Don't lose faith in yourself. Maintain faith in God as you pursue your goals. Weapons will be useful in fighting the battles of life, but the strong 'confidence' in you is the real weapon and science. If there is confidence, success, revolution, progress, everything is possible. Without self-confidence, strength, intellect becomes ineffective. Confidence leads to fearlessness and perfection. Nothing is impossible if we have self-confidence, self-esteem, self-determination, just as the bird sitting on the branch of the tree believes in its own wings and not in the branches. 

3. Be Perseverant

Any difficulty, crisis, obstacle can be overcome. Perseverance means firm determination, will not break down under any circumstances. Brave hearted people would never subdue or surrender. They become more dangerous in do or die situation. Whatever happens will be seen, better even if the life is gone, such a strong mentality is very much required. Perseverance is the path to success by digesting failure without fear of failure. Pearls are discovered only by those who plunge deep at the bottom of the sea. Only he who finds will find."  So, be dangerously positive in all circumstances. Clouds crowd in the sky but for time being. All clouds are scattered to the wind and the sky will become clear. Likewise problems and tough situations will arise in our life but for time being. No phase of life is permanent. Tunnel is full of darkness. But there is light at the end of it. Never lose hopes. Be perseverant.

4. Stubbornness –

You just have to be a tough and challenging personality. The battle should not be left in half-way, there should be continuity, there should be no fatigue or boredom, toughness is useful for sacrificing body-mind-wealth, fighting without fear of consequences. There should be hardness like stone. Be prepared to study, work hard, work hard for it. Maintain enthusiasm. Don't give up. Shake off the laziness and start working. "Let's work hard, no matter what the fate is; the path to victory continues, work day and night with complete dedication and devotion.”

Winning and losing the battle is not important but what way you fought with your counterpart is important. Perseverance is called running aimlessly without being lazy, bored. Attack your enemy the way the tiger attacks the group of deer’s who for safety purpose run helter-skelter.

5. Determination –

Be a determined dog for your goal attainment. May the sky fell, the earth shattered, even if the whole world rallied against it, there was no retreat? What will happen to me, who will save me now, my death is nearing, and such poor thoughts will pull you back. You will be shattered to pieces.

It takes strength to climb a mountain with determination, to swim in the sea. The teeth of a tiger can be measured by placing your hands in its jaws. It is possible to attack by entering the enemy's barn. But lure, temptation, and doubt should not be allowed to linger. Never stab in back. Opponent should not be argued with but be attacked suddenly. You should always be alert, cautious.


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