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No one is great without a struggle. People create history only through struggle. Struggle in a man's life is unavoidable and inevitable. The path of man’s life is unsmooth. Man's life is not a bed of roses. Big people’ position, prestige, money, success is seen but no one sees the hard work they put in to get it. Man's struggle continues from birth to death. Conflict is inevitable. Success is achieved through struggle. Success without struggle is meaningless.

Conflict has to be fought sometimes with the society, sometimes with oneself, sometimes with one's own people, and sometimes with one's enemies. Oppose injustice without opposing it. Care should be taken to ensure that something good comes out of the struggle. You may be harmed while the conflict continues. There will be a loss. You will be insulted and humiliated. There will be financial, physical, mental damage but do not retreat as long as there is life. Louis Braille became blind when he was three years old, but he later invented the Braille script for the blind. Arthur Agashe ran the marathon despite being an asthma patient. Helen Keller fell ill at the age of 19 months and became blind, deaf and mute but later became a great writer. Franklin D. Roosevelt contracted polio at the age of 39. But he did not give up politics. He was elected President of the United States three times due to his strong will. Even after losing a leg, Sudhachandran made her mark in filmmaking and TV. Her energetic acting earned him applause from the series.

Look at the struggle of the river, look at the struggle of a person who is struggling to get survived, look at the struggle of a runner in marathon, look at the struggle of player who is chasing the big target, look at the struggle of student who is trying to get qualified and selected in competitive exams, look at the struggle of a person who has lost his hands or legs or any body organ. Look at the struggle of the swimmer who is swimming anti current of water. Look at the struggle of rope climbers who is balancing to step further. Look at the struggle of your parents, you will understand one thing that the more the struggle, the more the success. Come out of your comfort zone and take risk to achieve success.

Critics, opponents, defenders, counterparts are there. People can talk much about you. They can target you, criticize you, troll you and are jealous of you. All type of people are there in this world. Never pay attention to what they say about you. As a player, you need to focus on your game. Never get irritated and make mistakes. Struggle to showcase and exhibit your talent. Never pollute your dreams, If you salute your dream, the world will salute you. And if you pollute your dream then you will have to salute everybody. 


Life is a river
Running from its origin to the sea
Continuously run overcoming all obstacles
River is lost when it gets to the sea
The river causes enchanting greenery
River’s struggle start from its origin to sea
Life is a battlefield
A bullet shot from your enemy’s gun will lick you
Death is always close to you
There will be blows in front and behind
You should always be aware
A soldier’s struggle never ends unless war is finished 
Life is a burning lamp
Lamp burns and burns to produce light
It removes the darkness from our lives
Lamp burns itself but illuminates the lives of others
Lamp burns only when there is a fuel in it
The lamp struggles from the burning to the winning
Life is a boat at sea
Riding on the magnificent waves of the endless sea
The waves are trying to sink the boat
The boat has to deal with rough seas
Only then can it reach the shore
The boat struggles and tries to reach its destination 
Life is a tree that gives cool shade
The seed buried in soil germinates
Very soon it begins to sprout and grow well
It withstands storms, wind and rain
Tree keeps giving shelter, fruit and much more
Trees grow well in spite of too many challenges
The struggle begins with the human mother's womb
The struggle does not end until death
Conflict has reached the fifth level of human beings
Fight, fight but never run away
Suddenly there is no tone of victory
Defeats often have to be taken
Man’s struggle begins from the mother's womb
Whoever you may be, it is unavoidable and inevitable
 Keep fighting but never run away from the battlefield
Pay the price of success and be sure to grab it
May you be defeated once, twice and several times
Success comes only when the price of success is paid

                         ----- Sambhaji Suryavanshi (India)

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  1. Interesting message to keep fighting till one succeeds. Success without struggle does not give real satisfaction. Everyone should read this article.
