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Many youths and people today are plagued by frustration, disappointment, inferiority complex, fear, and anxiety. You see, people with lost attitudes, run away from the battlefield of life. They lose battle before it starts. Negative thinking and Low Confidence Level cause immeasurable damage to themselves. Their downfall to the pit makes them ashamed of themselves. They make their parents look down. They lose their heart and all hopes. Out of heavy mental pains they are attracted towards bad habits to seek some relief from the pangs of pains.  Due to these unhealthy and unsafe habits they get demoralized. It brings mental and physical degradation. This turmoil, unsettlement and instability take them to the grave.

I believe that the series of my blogs will definitely be useful to show the way to the peak of success by getting such people out of this abyss of despair safely. I am damn sure that man lives on ‘hope’ and I am a very optimistic person and dangerously positive. Darkness does not last forever. Just as there is an end to everything, there is also an end to our suffering. Although the entire tunnel is occupied with darkness, there is still light at the end of the tunnel. All that is needed is to change your mindset, work tirelessly and without losing hopes. Unless and until you give your 100%, it is simply impossible to pull off a victory. It is truly said that fortune favours the brave. Success goes to them who deserve it; it seldom goes to timid, cowards and chicken hearted people.

Through my weblog, I tried my level best to cast the seeds of positivism and optimism through several blogs published on education, motivation, inspiration, ignition which are addressed to the youths. Several visitors are overwhelmed by effective and inspiring thoughts. My blogs have broadened their mind and enlightenment has been done. I want to tell everyone that I, you and everyone else were born not to lose but to win the battle of life. I can assure you that my blogs will definitely lift your spirits. It will take your abilities to the next level. This blog is just a brain tonic. There is no doubt that this blog will be a guide to success, to destroy the darkness, to awaken the spirit in your heart, to create cycles of positive thoughts in your brain and to gain energy and momentum to lift you up from the darkness to the light.

Winners make history and the rest are inspired by reading history. Heroic Warriors never leave the battlefield and those who flee the field, can never make history.

My weblog is a burning torch of thought. It is my intention to create such an endless faith in you by removing all negativity.

What you need is to change your mindset first. Drive out all negativity. Instill great confidence by reading motivational books. Change your stance. Plan your work. Execute your plan to the best of your ability and potential. Do your best, put in sincere efforts. The power will come, the glory will come, the success will come, and everything that is beautiful and excellent will come to you only when your sleeping soul is roused to self conscious activity. Man's success does not depend on his caste-religion, color-form, education, but his success depends on his attitude and action.

Man is nature's best borrower and giver. Man is a storehouse of immense power and energy. The human body is a package of billions. The cost of physical organs is billions. The human mind is better than imagined. So tell yourself to go ahead. Tread upon the path full of bad patches, zigzag turns, and speed breakers and ultimately you will reach at the peak of success. Always remember that No pains No gains. If you salute your ambitions and dreams; the world will salute you. Unfortunately if you pollute your dream; you will have to salute others. Get to know yourself first. If man takes it to heart, he can explore the sky. He can compete with mighty birds, he can discover invaluable pearls hidden at the bottom of the ocean, and he can land the highest peaks of mountain to prove that he is inferior to none.

You can rule the whole world. You can win millions of hearts. There is no limit to your thinking, imagination, and accomplishment. We can transform our dreams into reality. We have the sun burning darkness in our heads. You are the owner of such immense power. When you have so much energy, where does the horse get stuck? Friends, you need to peep inside yourself. Shake off the negative thoughts. Shake off the dust of rotten thoughts. You need to develop knowledge and skills. Have a scientific outlook, to think rationally, have good books and positive thoughts. Just as throwing a small rock into a calm reservoir creates many rings in that reservoir; even a simple thought can bring about a radical change or revolution in your life. Man progresses by thinking. Recklessness takes a break from his progress.

Friends, the average weight of a human brain is approximately 1350 grams, the average length is 8 inches. If you download hundreds of books and upload them to the human brain, the memory of that brain cannot be filled completely. Therefore, friends, never consider you are poor and weak. I find a sentence from Maharathi Karna in the Mahabharata very inspiring - it is not a sin to be born poor but it is a great sin to die poor. When I was born I was poor because it was not in my hands but when I die I will become rich and die because it is in my hands. Always remember - “The power of the King Cobra lies in his nagmani, the power of the eagle lies in its huge wings, the strength of the tiger is in its pointed teeth and claws, the power of the scorpion lies in its venomous sting but the power of man is in his mind, in his wrists and in his intellect.” With the help of this power only he can find a way-out through adverse conditions and he can win the battle of life.


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