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My dear man, 

I brought you on this planet Earth. You are the best creation. Man, you are my child. I bestowed several jewels upon you. I agree that I did not give you a sharp look like an eagle. I did not give you the ability to swim day and night like a fish. I did not give you teeth and sharp claws like tigers and lions. I did not give you the strength and toughness to climb trees like a monkey. You are not as big as an elephant. You are not as strong as a horse. Even if all this is true, you are my darling among all these creatures. For I have given you a very very special power i.e. Brain. With the help of brain power, mind power, muscle power, man power you can play role of a task or ring master.

You get lost in the past. You live in the present and you can see the future. You have been judging yourself to be the best on the strength of intellect. May you rejoice on this earth, may you be relaxed, may you be inspired? May you be rejuvenated, may you find the right direction. You will cover and occupy the whole sky. You will rule the planet Earth like a king. All creatures will dance to your tune. You can ride with pride even brave animals like tiger, lion, elephants etc. 

I thought that you will make this earth more beautiful worth livable and lovable. You will glory and beauty to this world. You will make the earth a paradise. You should rule here, rule. May you have all the happiness in this world. May all your desires be fulfilled. So, what did I create for you to get inspired from? Take a closer look and you will be enlightened…

The Vast Sky-

This widespread and vast sky tells you that if a human being is going to be tall, grow tall like me. The rationale, optimistic man with his fighting spirit will touch the clouds and soar high in the sky like a bird. The entire sky is yours. Millions of stars and gems are yours. From the east to the west, From South to the North; only you can occupy. Your greatness is at par excellence. You never know what you are.

The Rising Sun

The rising sun tells you to be self-illuminated. Let your spirit shine upon the whole earth. Keep giving light to yourself as well as to others. Destroy the darkness of the whole world. The sun has been giving you this inspiration and energy. Lead yourself from unknown to the known, from sorrow to happiness, from failure to success and from bottom to top. That much ability, potential and talent is within you.

The Setting Sun

The setting sun tells you that I set for a while. In a real sense, I do not fall or end. I set but for a while to rise up again to lighten the whole world. I never fail in my duties towards the planet Earth. Man, you should shine with the radiance of the sun till death and even after death. Never get lost in the dark. 

The Moon

How cool and white the moon is at night. That moon is the darling of all. Among the twinkling stars, the moon stands supreme likewise you are the dearest of all among millions of living beings. People like their favorite person to the moon and say "You are a piece of the moon" but I say, man, that moon is a piece of yours, you are so dear to me.

Twinkling Star

Shine like the stars. I want you to be a star, a superstar just like that shining star. Let your eyes shine with your splendor. You inspire others. People will always follow you. You will be their idol. You will be their beacon and you will direct others. You will become a guide like a pole star. You will make this earth a paradise. Even heavenly angels will be tempted to come down to earth to see the beauty of your creation. Something like that will work immensely.

Run Like River

Overcoming all obstacles from its source/origin to the sea, taking many turns, colliding with rocks and stones, the river that meets the sea by the side of many hills and mountains, the river that runs smoothly around the surrounding region, gives you the message that keep running until your goal is achieved. There will be many potholes, boulders, ups and downs, turns, speed breakers on your goal path. Your life is a kind of fire-path. Keep walking regardless of wind and rain. May it rain or shine, go forth. Don't get back even though you are tired. 

Get Buried Like Seed

The "seed" of the flower buries itself in the ground. And then on that vine, on the tree, the buds bloom, the flowers bloom, like that "Seeds" you immerse yourself in your work. Get involved and get engrossed in your work. If you continue to work by offering body, mind and money, then success will roll at your feet. The impossible will become possible. The dream will come true. You will create history.

If you keep working with a dedicated attitude, you will flourish, flourish and flourish. And then the flag of your success will fly across the seven seas. The chants of your success will be sung. Your perfume and fragrance will be spread all over the world. 



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