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(Part - 2)

My Dear Man, 

The Widespread Sea-

The widespread sea tells you that ... Man, you are as immortal as me, deep and infinite like me. You too can end your poverty in your life. You can create your own world in this world. You can accumulate vast and endless wealth. You can build your own empire. Although this may sound like a dream to you, it is certainly not beyond your reach. It is absolutely within your reach because I have given you the gift of wisdom. The sea wants to tell you that in your life, the tide will inevitably come. Humans will continue to experience many ups and downs, potholes, and twists in your life. Human life is not a bed of roses. It is stormy. For a time you will be as calm as the sea, and at other times you will get disturbed. Like a volcano at the bottom of the ocean, you will have a huge rage and anger in your mind. Your anger should be under your control. You have to decide whether to rage or to control anger. Never lose your temper. Don't get distracted. Although it is natural to be angry, you need to understand in what ways to be angry and in which to not. Anger must come. Anger is not bad. Anger is required to challenge the unfavorable situation, injustice, oppression to challenge adversity. The urge to change our own situation and to make some changes Get angry. 

High Mountains-

The high mountains teach you that you should grow big, very big. Live with a stiff neck on your shoulder. Create your own stronghold. Man, you should be so big that even the mountains in front of you should feel small. All the hills and mountains of the world should envy you. Your workmanship should be radiant and eye-catching. Your position will be supreme as everyone will bow before you. You should be higher than a high mountain, but never draw a long line by erasing lines of others.

Priceless Gems-

There are innumerable precious gems, rubies, agates, diamonds in this world. But man you are a genuine diamond whose value is beyond words. You are a precious Kohinoor diamond. No one can match you. You are unique. You are priceless and incomparable. As soon as I gave birth to you, I have created in you incomparable and unbroken energy, consciousness, Nose, Skin, Tongue, Eyes, Heart and Brain are given one after another. You cannot be poor. You have been given the whole of your mind, feelings, thoughts without holding back anything.

But is a Human Head superior to a hat / turban? Nose-ring is made for Nose. Of course Nose-ring is not superior to Nose.  What's the point of having holes when your nose has been cut? No diamond in the world, not even a Kohinoor can match you. You are winner who can conquer the whole world. You have the ability to cover the whole sky. The sky is borderless and you have the power to fly beyond the horizon. You are the real architect of your life. It is up to you to decide whether to make life worse or not.

What is the use of gaining greatness by stealing, deceiving and ruining others?

Fire within you-

You are a blazing fire. Keep your hotness always alive. Burning coal should not get covered with ashes. Blow on your ashes. Otherwise it will run out. Your hotness will come to an end. You should shine with the radiance of the sun, not of fireflies. Let your light shine on the whole world.

Towering-Point of Temple-

It is undeniable fact that the towering point of the temple enhances the beauty of the temple. But how many people look at that towering point? You should make the name of yourself, village and country big through your work. When you do this, you will be able to get a bigger place in the hearts of many people. You will get enthroned into the millions of hearts. The steps of the temple also teach you a lot. Every devotee who comes to the temple touches the first step. Devotees bow down as they approach the steps. If you follow that ideal, you will grow up. Everyone will bow down to you. This step teaches you that you can reach at great altitude only by advancing step by step.

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  1. Beautiful article sir , It's so knowledgeable , I must salute the author , kudo

  2. Outstanding and super .. Motivational article...👌👍💐

  3. Respected sir,
    What an extraordinary article is!It gives vision and tells us how to mould our life.

  4. Each and every reader will definitely be motivated and inspired.
    Amazing article!!
