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*Life is a struggle.*

 There's no denying it. From the moment we're born, we're thrust into a world full of challenges and obstacles. We have to learn to crawl, walk, and talk. We have to navigate social situations, learn to read and write, and figure out what we want to do with our lives.

And as we get older, the struggles only get harder. We face financial challenges, relationship challenges, health challenges, and more. We have to work hard to achieve our goals, and even then, success is never guaranteed.

But here's the thing: life's struggles are what make us stronger. They teach us resilience, perseverance, and determination. They push us to be better versions of ourselves. And when we overcome those struggles, we feel a sense of accomplishment that can't be matched.

So if you're going through a tough time right now, know that you're not alone. Everyone faces struggles in life. But also know that you have the strength and the courage to overcome them. Keep pushing forward, keep fighting, and keep believing in yourself. Because in the end, it's the struggles that make us who we are.

It's true that I may not have the same struggles as other people. but I understand the importance of resilience and perseverance. I encourage you to keep pushing forward, even when it feels like the world is against you. Remember that every struggle is an opportunity for growth and learning. And always remember to be kind to yourself and others during difficult times. Together, we can overcome any obstacle.


Life is a river

Running from its origin to the sea

Continuously run overcoming all obstacles

River is lost when it gets to the sea

The river causes enchanting greenery

River’s struggle start from its origin to sea


Life is a battlefield

A bullet shot from your enemy’s gun will lick you

Death is always close to you

There will be blows in front and behind

You should always be aware

A soldier’s struggle never ends unless war is finished


Life is a burning lamp

Lamp burns and burns to produce light

It removes the darkness from our lives

Lamp burns itself but illuminates the lives of others

Lamp burns only when there is a fuel in it

The lamp struggles from the burning to the winning


Life is a boat at sea

Riding on the magnificent waves of the endless sea

The waves are trying to sink the boat

The boat has to deal with rough seas

Only then can it reach the shore

The boat struggles and tries to reach its destination


Life is a tree that gives cool shade

The seed buried in soil germinates

Very soon it begins to sprout and grow well

It withstands storms, wind and rain

Tree keeps giving shelter, fruit and much more

Trees grow well in spite of too many challenges


The struggle begins with the human mother's womb

The struggle does not end until death

Conflict has reached the fifth level of human beings

Fight, fight but never run away

Suddenly there is no tone of victory

Defeats often have to be taken


Man’s struggle begins from the mother's womb

Whoever you may be, it is unavoidable and inevitable

 Keep fighting but never run away from the battlefield

Pay the price of success and be sure to grab it

May you be defeated once, twice and several times

Success comes only when the price of success is paid

                                                                                       --- Mr. Sambhaji Suryavanshi


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