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Look at the birds in the sky; They do not sow, harvest or store; Yet your heavenly Father feeds them; Are you superior to them or not?

1. Birds don't eat anything at night.

2. At night don't move outside of their nests. 

3. Birds train their young ones. They never allow their young ones to shift somewhere alone.  

4. They never eat too much. Over eating is prohibited. They aren't greedy like we people. If you throw a handful of grains in front of them, they will eat a little and will fly away. They don't carry all grains with them..!!

5. They go to sleep after dark, and wake up early in the morning, singing songs.

6. They never change their diet.

7. They choose mates within their  own species. They live together happily. A duck and a swan never mate.

8. Birds keep working constantly. They keep flying to activate themselves.  They do not rest except at night.

9. They don't eat anything when they get sick, they eat only when they get better.

10. Birds love, care for their young ones wholeheartedly. 

11. They live together with each other. Even if they fight over food, they mix up again. 

12. They are humble and loyal to nature. 

13. Birds build their nests eco-friendly.

14. If their young ones are grown up then birds never interfere with their life. Freedom is given to them. 

Is it not a lesson for us? 
Learning some values and lessons we people can change our life. Our life would be stress-free. We can enjoy a happy, healthy and wealthy life.

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