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In several sectors, we see incredibly talented, supremely gifted leaders. It is said that "Tiger can easily lead a team of dogs. But a dog can never lead even a single tiger."  
For me, all-time great leaders are the founder of Hindavi Swarajya Sansthapak Chhtrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhiji, in Cricketing matrix Mahendra Singh Dhoni, in Politics of India Narendra Modi who have left an imperishable impact on me.  

To be a successful leader one should have lifelong companions or abilities such as....

1) Vision:
A kind of foresight is also hidden in the playful atmosphere created by the leader. With the help of this leader can easily guess what will happen. It is the ability to foresee what will happen next. A far-sighted attitude is rarely found in today's leaders. 

2) Goals:
The leader must set some goals for himself also for his team / people. Short Term Goals and Long Term Goals. He will fearlessly and unstoppably chase the goals. The leader must say - Perhaps not immediately but definitely, we will win.

3) Self Confidence:
Strong faith and loyalty to the goal is the real strength of leadership. If darkness is spread, a true leader will never scold darkness but he will light a lamp to move forward. Confidence is a key factor. The weapon is in the hands but fear in the heart will not bring good results. Contrast to this though you are not having any weapon but if there is not even the ghost of doubt in your mind. Chances are more to win the battle of life. 

4) Discipline:
A good leader must be a well-disciplined person. Every task and activity will be performed in good time without any delay or postponement. If you provide me with a crowd and well disciplined team, I will always go with a well disciplined team. It is because they are focused and concentrated. 

5) Persistence:
The success of any endeavour requires consistency and perseverance on the part of the leader. True leaders never lose hope in any circumstances. One time win is not required, you should win time and again. You are a true winner, if there is consistency. It should become a habit with you. 

6) Planning:
The person who leads has to have a plan in place to achieve the goal. And the leader has to carry out the responsibility of planning and preparation to accomplish the goal. Plan your work on paper first and then try your best to convert it into reality. It is said that you plan your work and work your plan.  

7) Judgement:
The leader must make the right decision by listening to the side of all, seeing the interest of all but ultimately he will obey his conscience. Listen to all people but obey your conscience. 

8) Patience:
When it comes to leadership, the leader has to do something out of the box. For that, the leader has to have patience. He will never be worried about the result. Worrying is not but taking care of it is important. Impatience will lead you to nowhere. Avoid over thinking and indecisive habits. Have patience always. Still, there is a room at the top of success. 

9) Accept Responsibilities:
When leadership is accepted, the leader will always give top priority to his team's target. He knows the team's efficiency. He must know his strengths and weaknesses. A true leader will never run away from his role and responsibilities. A true leader gives credit or success to all but takes himself responsible for the failure. 

10) Accept changes:
While the pace of change in the outside world is slowing down, if the pace of change is slowing down ... leadership vision must be lost somewhere. True leaders will always stay positive. Old practices and old formulae will always not make you win. You must try new things. Stay flexible to accept changes. 

11) Be A Coach & Guide:
Everyone should be given a job within his or her scope and ability. Occasional guidance and knowledge of the subject should be given. Never insist on your decisions, but never hesitate to make bold decisions if and when required.  

12) Pleasing Personality:
As a leader, people need to trust you, your words, and of course your goals and strategies. This requires constant communication with colleagues. Don't be adamant or obstinate. You must turn deaf year to foolish ideas. 

13) Administrative skills:
As a leader, he needs to have administrative and managerial skills. Handling matters tactfully, No loose talks with Colleagues, knowing past and future plans well is a must. Always stay at least one step ahead of your subordinates. Keep on learning something from your seniors. 

14) Communication skills:
 The greatest skill you need to be a good leader is the ability to communicate effectively and confidently. Leaders always cheer up their teammates, boost up their morale setting the example of leading from the front. 

15) Decision-making ability:
 As a leader, you have to be able to make decisions by considering everything. Taking firm decisions matters a lot. Leaders are not supposed to play with the team but they are to secure top places. 

16) Risk-Taking Ability:
Leadership requires courage as well as willingness to take risks. It's truly said that No Risk, No Success. Avoid the same tactics. Try innovative. 

17) Creativity, Research and Innovation:
 Some experiments will bring no different results. Innovation, creativity, construction, productivity is important. These skills, every leader must necessarily have. 

18) Problem-Solving Skills:
A true leader is known only by how he deals with his problems. A problem well understood is a problem half solved. Leaders must have keys and formulae to solve problems. He must have solutions over problems. Sometimes problems are difficult, that's why it's a problem. It is difficult but not impossible to solve. Such a mindset is a must. 

19) Flexibility &  Adaptability:
As a leader, you should always be flexible and adaptable. Be practically-minded while solving problems. Never be emotional. A leader is a hero who will never show his tears. Stay calm and focussed till the last moment. You can prove yourself as a game-changer. 

20) Time Management Skills:
If the leader wants to achieve his goal, he must plan his time for it. Every single minute is counted.  Time once lost cannot be regained. Some people say "Time is money" but I would say that "Time is more than money". No fun, No time-pass at the time work.  Work while work, play while play.  

21) Get yourself started first. (Lead By Example):
Any leader should take the initiative and formulate the direction and plan of work without just giving instructions. If time requires, leaders should come and fight to set an example. Never stay at the back stage. Come forward at the nick of time and show your teammates why you are unique and amazing.

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