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English is an open window upon world. English is a dollar in hand. English language can take you from local to global level. English language is a milk of Tigress. All the above sentences indicate how important English language is. 

Spoken English is one of the most important skills for education and career in this modern and competitive world. Learning Spoken English is a bit difficult for learners whose mother tongue is not English. Most importantly they don't have proper guidance and the knowledge of the correct syllabus for spoken English. Most of the people understand English but they don't speak English because of no exposure available to them.  

In my humble opinion, Having Basics of Spoken English, Essential English Vocabulary (around 2000 -3000 words) and Speaking practice, one can master Spoken English. Follow the things given below for the perfect mastery and command over Spoken English 

Start learning English Language from the basics itself. Alphabets, Vowels, Consonants, Words. Get proper training from experts. 
If you listen more, you will learn more. Be watchful and a good listener.  
Listen to Audios, Speeches, Lectures, debates, commentaries, anchoring, stories, songs, interviews, News Bulletin, etc. Do watch movies and YouTube videos. Subscribe specific YouTube channels.

Speak English without any hesitation. Speak about yourself. Speak about your daily routine, family, village, city, culture, School, Hobbies and  Interests etc. Speak fearlessly and  confidently. Speak English with your friends and  colleagues. Make a group for more practice. You can join English Speaking Clubs, Classes. 

Read loudly and clearly to understand or convey the message. Refer AB Learner's Oxford English dictionary for correct pronunciations. Never read fastly to impress others instead read to understand. Understand to assimilate and assimilate to reproduce. 
Read textbooks, newspapers, articles, poems, stories, novels and plays. 

It is said that practice makes man perfect. Talk to a friend, doctor, teacher, neighbour anybody. Everyday practice a lot to write words, sentences and passages. It will help you a lot to improve your English. It is said that one time writing is two times of reading. 

You need to learn English Vocabulary around 2000 to 3000 words. Your vocabulary should include action words, nouns, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections, Idioms, Phrases and Proverbs etc. Knowing words, special phraseology and terminology; you can expand your vocabulary. 

Study of Grammar will lay the foundation of your Spoken English. It will help you a lot to speak flawlessly. For this you need to study about 
Forms of To be, to do, to have, 12 Active Voice tenses, 8 Passive Voice Tenses, 24 Auxiliary Verbs, Modal Verbs, Clauses, parts of speech, types of sentences, 35 Sentence Patterns,
Direct & Indirect Speech, Synthesis (Transformations) 

To better your pronunciations, you need to follow native speakers. Even in UK and USA English is spoken differently. It is said that language variation is noticed at every 10 miles of distance. To better your pronunciations refer AB Learner's Oxford English dictionary. There are several varieties of English such as British English, American English, Australian English, Indian English. Language is spoken differently in respect of Pronunciations, Spellings and  Grammar rules. 

To put it all in a nut shell, I would say that
(Basics of English + 4 Basic Skills +  Vocabulary +  Grammar and Everyday Practice) 
will make you a proficient speaker of English.

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