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Life is momentary. It is ephemeral and unpredictable. So,  Don't be too serious. This universe has been around for millions of years. Many came and departed from this world. Whatever happens is going to happen. Everything will not happen as per your wish. Some things or many things may occur against your will. Who can go against fate? 

We have brought nothing in this world. So don't regret losing anything. Don't be so arrogant. Never treat others as minor people. Be kind and co-operative to everyone.

Do not speak the language of ending or finishing others. Never use foul language. Use soft spoken words. A word works like a weapon. Once uttered can't be taken aback. The bullet shot from the gun, an arrow left from the bow and the word uttered is impossible to take a aback. So, think before you speak. 

Do not spoil the present by digging the corpses buried. Good and bad people in history lived their lives. It is better for you to live your life and let others live. Get motivated from history. Never de-motivate anybody. 

Times have changed. Attitude, way of thinking , life style of people is also changed.  Identify what your real need is. Don't poke your nose into nonsensical things and also in the private matters of others. 

Don't be distracted by trivial things when there are thousands of crises. Neither our birth nor our death is in our hands. Truly, we are like a puppet in the hands of destiny. Life is only at once, so live it rightly  Live life to the fullest! 

Have a broad smile on your face. Leave behind sweet memories. Be happy and make others happy too. Remember, your seriousness will not benefit anyone. Don't think of the whole world. Don't worry at all. Never be in tensed situation. Handle pressure situation tactfully. 

Enjoy the little things. Great people are always great because they take care of small small things. Don't be serious all the time. Talk to others freely and open minded. 
Don't underestimate yourself.  Even if you think of yourself as something else, you are just a creature next to nature. Don't hate anyone. Do not be vindictive.

Look at the world around you. What a wonderful way to screw people over. Look at the flocks of birds, waterfalls, snowfall. Listen to the music of your choice, listen to motivational  speeches, read success and failure stories. Observe the nature to learn a lot. 

Go up and get down the hill! Ask that cuckoo, how do you sing so beautifully? See flowers of different colors. Fill life with different colors. Don't live the same life.

Make friends with new places, new people. Get in touch with nature, give time to relatives and your family members. Help the old people.  keep in touch with animals, watch their life. Live stress-free, tension-free life.  Live healthier and happier.

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