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Man is absolutely unique, special, most intellectual creature on planet earth. Hardly anyone can deny this fact. God has bestowed the several qualities of head and heart on human beings. He is like a ring master because all animals can dance to his tune, however, strong and powerful those are as compared to human beings. Man is superior to all other creatures. Man can travel far and wide on land, in air and through water as well. Strong will power,  rationality, determination, resolution, thinking ability, emotional intelligence are rarely noted in other creatures. That's the reason man stands supreme among other creatures. 

If determined with body, mind and soul, man can achieve whatever he wishes for. He can bring heaven down to the earth. The highest mountains can be under his feet. He can tour every nook and corner of the globe. He can touch every cloud of success and excellence. Truly, A determination is a gateway to success. If one wants to achieve his/her goals then he must stay focused on the plan even after countless confrontations with the failure. Failure does not depend upon fate. Man if lost the game in mind, will also lose the game on the ground. Somewhere we fall short. We console ourselves saying that failure is a stepping stone to success. It is said that man can be killed but cannot be destroyed. Man will bounce back, fight back to win battles. 

Indeed, fate is just an imagination of the human mind to console the heart after every failure. The truth is that man can make his own fate though not immediately but definitely. He will be successful in his mission today or tomorrow, sooner or later. Nothing is impossible in this world. The word impossible itself says that "I am possible." Man has accomplished challenging tasks that were considered impossible in the past. Tommy Lasorda has rightly said that “The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination.” Failures do affect our aims, but people who swap their aims just because of one failure are the most  cowardice ones. They are unheroic.  They are chicken hearted people. Lion hearted people are fearless, aggressive, bold and courageous. Once they chase something, they chase it unstoppably, fearlessly with a focused mindset. When determination combines with hope then success is guaranteed. Success is sure to come. Fate has nothing to do with the failures and the success. It is the man alone who has to decide which path to choose.

You are the architect of your own destiny. Your fate is in your hands only. Never check it out or verify by showing your palm to the fortune  tellers. It is not necessary to refer to a horoscope. When Things Don't Go According to your Plan; Stop for a while, double your efforts and restart. Success is achieved not by luck all the time but by effort only. 

So, be the architect of your life and renovate and design it. You can add wings to your dreams. You can add colours to your life. Steering is in your hands. You can give directions to the vehicle of your life. Whether to go straight, turn to the left or turn to the right is absolutely in your hands. Truly, you are the architect of your life.

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