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The main objective of my Weblog is to … 

To put fire in the hearts of youths, to strengthen their wings, to stir their blood, to create brain-storms, to activate and stimulate youths, to inspire and ignite them, to promote them to do grand and divine work, to develop their linguistic and communication skills, to put them on the right path and to lead them from darkness to light. It is because, I strongly believe and none can deny the fact that youth power is the future of country. I always try my best to stir the blood of the youths. I try to strengthen their wings to touch the sky of success and excellence. 

Motivation and Enthusiasm work like electricity in our life. In man's life improvement, advancement, growth and development, are impossible without motivation and enthusiasm. Balloon soars high up in air due to air filled in. Motivation and enthusiasm is like that of the air due to which we may soar high up in the sky of success and excellence. 

People read books, watch TV serials, movies, listen to speeches, attend courses and programs, refer success stories, failure stories, read interviews of successful people and celebrities, sportsmen, businessmen and visionary leaders etc. Still, they cannot make any progress. This is why motivation and enthusiasm are replaced by depression, Self-Pity, self-doubt, frustration, Pressure, unnecessary fear and lack of self-esteem. When you listen to highly motivational speech, read motivational book or story, or watch blockbuster movie, undoubtedly there is a burst of enthusiasm and a high energy level, but this often does not last long. It is for time being. Its impact is momentary.

What you need is to keep your desire and inner flame alive and you must stay focused on your goal. You can seek motivation through book, movie, story etc. But in my point of view self-motivation is the best one. Be a good listener and good observer. God has given only one mouth and two ears. It means speak less but listen more. Eat less but digest more. Set your target and work your plan. Execution is very important. Set short term and long term goals. Utilize your sense and brain; use your talent and power to get your work done. Chase one dream after the other one.

Never bother about darkness. Never blame anyone for the same. Get up and light the lamp to move forward. Let’s march from Darkness to Light, let’s march from Ignorance to Knowledge, Let’s march from Failure to Success. This is high time now. Countdown starts. Do or die situation. Be a lion-hearted person. Don’t be chicken hearted. Take out doubts and fears. Showcase and exhibit your talent. None can change your present status. Only you can change it. You are the master of your own fate. So, keep yourself motivated and enthusiastic.


  • Think about your dreams, aspirations and desires every day. 
  • Read about people who achieved success by being tenacious and persistent.
  • Never give up unless and until you achieve it.
  • Remember, every success requires dedication, devotion, commitment, passion, time, perseverance, tenacity.
  • You need to be patient,   and confident. Even if you see no progress, mind it that success is not far away; sooner or later you will achieve it.
  • Keep motivating yourself, empower and enrich yourself. Inflame your motivation and enthusiasm.
  • What you do, make it a pleasurable activity. You never take it as burden and drudgery.
  • Keep thinking positively. Always keep in mind "Power will come, Glory will come, success will come, everything that is beautiful and excellent will come to you only when your sleeping soul roused to self conscious activity."
  • You need to go at grass root level to understand what exactly the problem is. Abraham Lincoln became successful at the age of 52 only after losing many elections, businesses, different career paths.
  • Remember, your life is your own. You cannot blame others. You are responsible for it. Why succumb to Laziness and negative programming? Dreams and Goals are not that much easy. The path of success is unsmooth. There might be several obstacles on your career path.

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