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I strongly appreciate the ultimate pair of lines from the poem "Ulysses" by the English poet Alfred Lord Tennyson. "Made weak by Time and Fate, but strong in will; To strive, to seek, to find but not to yield."

The determination to do something is the step towards a goal. The work undertaken will be carried out. Heroic warrior does not retreat what may come, once war breaks out. I don't care about the consequences. I will do what I want to achieve by paying the price. Whether someone is with me or not but I have to do it. Never get subdued, never run away from your duty and responsibility. Those who are crazy for something, those who are mad after something will become successful one day or the other. only thing required is that never stop dreaming. Always remember that vision without action is a daydream and action without vision is a nightmare.

Stone is harder than rock because rock breaks rock. Iron is harder than stone because iron can break stones. Fire is harder than iron because fire melts iron. Water is harder than fire because water extinguishes fire. Air is harder than water because air causes water to evaporate. And man's determination is harder than air. With determination, the impossible becomes possible. Man can touch every cloud. He can see the bottom of the sea. He can compete with wind. He can land the Mount Everest. He can live life king size.

The mad lover says to his beloved that he will move heaven and earth to have her in his life.  "I can't erase your longing. I can't forget you, it can't happen and if you forget me, I won't let it happen." This madness and infatuation in the game of love will make lover win the heart of lady. If lover is failed he would always say that...

"Though I belong to the whole sky including the sun, the moon and millions of stars, though I belong to the infinite wealth, limitless empire, though I possess everything but I am not happy because you couldn't be a part of my life. I would be very happy and excited if you were there in my life."

 To conclude I would say, "If you cultivate the habit of becoming mad after your goal then genuinely nothing is impossible for you. Whole Sky and millions of stars will be yours!"


 Thank you so much for your visit to my Weblog!

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