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Mastery over English is a dollar in hand. In every walk of your life, you'll get the advantage of your fluency in English. Books and proficient teachers, Language trainers can put you in the right direction. If you groom yourself in the company of those who can speak well quality English, then you can speak English effortlessly.

          It is my subjective observation and experience that English is the easiest language to master. Listen more, speak more, read more and write or practice more is the only solution. To speak English exactly and accurately one must have sufficient vocabulary, knowledge of syntax, morphology, phonology, phonetics and most importantly, interest and self-confidence.

        To master English you must use different strategies, study methods and study techniques. Innovative techniques and a lot many resources are available today. Language Lab, Online and offline Courses, Apps will help you a lot. Maximum Exposure will take you on the path of success and excellence.

          Bookish English is important from an examination point of view but to speak English Effortlessly, one must practice more and more.  It is possible to read newspapers, listen to the news bulletins, Songs, Speeches, Debates, Commentaries,  Interviews, Presentation Ceremonies and Group Discussions telecasted and broadcasted on electronic media. It is quality English by internationally reputed personnel. It's amazing and incredible opportunity for us. In schools and colleges, you learn English only analytically. You learn to answer, you talk about English, and you translate English but never speak English. You never learn English naturally and effortlessly. That's the reason you lag behind.

I have seen and heard people talking about English but not speaking English. In Indian Schools and Colleges, English is being taught only traditionally. Teaching and learning of English are entirely focused on textbooks prescribed for studies. It is not communicative and conversational. You can pass and qualify exams, you can get degrees but what about fluency and mastery over English? You must train yourself to speak effortlessly. Never struggle for words.

           If we listen more, Speak more, Read more and everyday practice more English proficiency is not so difficult. So, give up traditional methods, old rubbish methods and try innovative methods. Provide training to your speech organs. Audio-Visual aids, tools are plentiful.

          Knowledge of English Grammar is important to avoid errors. It is truly said that "exactness" and "accuracy" is not possible without the sound knowledge of English Grammar. You must train yourself to use formal and informal types of English, Use purely spoken English in day to day life. Use Idioms, Phrases and Proverbs while speaking. It will make you a perfect master of English. You must learn holistically, intuitively and naturally. Sometimes mistakes will happen but its OK. Only thing you need is to correct yourself and never repeat the same mistake. While speaking, don't think about grammar rules, and never translate sentences or words in your mother tongue. Let the flow of words come out of your mouth. Truly and genuinely this is the way to master English. This is how I improved my Spoken English. Keep on trying and improving the standard and quality of your English.


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